The Venice Chamber of Commerce and the Venice Symphony Orchestra celebrated St Patrick’s Day with the first-ever lighting of the “O’Venice” Sign on March 17, 2015.
The Venice Sign was lit green by our new LAPD Pacific Division Captain Nicole Alberca and a reception was held at Bank of Venice by owner Tom Elliot.
On hand with Captain Alberca to help light the Sign were a host of community leaders including Carl Lambert, Abigail Meyers, Carol Tantau, Jason Teague, Ridaa Murad, Wesley Flowers, Sunny Bak, and Reta Moser to name a few. Both the “O” and switch were designed and fabricated by architect Ramsey Daham and his firm Breakform Design.
The Chamber looks forward to establishing this as another enduring tradition for the historic Venice Sign and the entire community.
Right: Rei Yoshioka
Bank of Venice’s Tom Elliot. Bank of Venice offer great local organic food, craft beers and cocktails and all CA wines.

Venice Symphony Orchestra’s Wesley Flowers, Venice Chamber/Venice Sign event producer George Francisco, and Yolanda.
Right: Venice Chamber’s David Moring and Carol Tantau chat with officers
Center: LAPD Pacific Division Captain Nicole Alberca Far right: Venice Stakeholder Association’s Mark Ryavec
Center: Jason Teague
Guests check out Bank of Venice’s new menu!
James and Evan White
Left: Venice Art Crawl’s Sunny Bak. Right: Venice Chamber’s Executive Director Donna Lasman
Chamber’s Carol Tantau and Angie
Fun with Venice Breeze Suites – Venice Chamber of Commerce President Carl Lambert
Right: Alternative Lighting Todd Alter and Rei
Todd Alter, Venice Chamber’s Kelly Layne, and friend
The Venice Sign Committee with LAPD Pacific Division Captain Nicole Alberca
A little Venice History!
The legendary Abbot Kinney introduced the world to Venice in 1905 on the 4th of July. Spanning across Windward Avenue at Pacific (then Trolley Way), 3-foot high letters spelling VENICE glowed to electric life!
In 2007, the Venice Sign Restoration Project recreated and installed the contemporary version of this historic sign. Since that time the Venice Chamber has been responsible for the Sign and for protecting its trademark. View photos of the the June 24, 2007 Venice Fest (the lighting of the restored Venice Sign for the first time.)
Today this lasting legacy is restored across Windward Avenue as a tribute to the celebrated Venice of years past and modern day gateway to the world famous Venice Beach.
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LOCATION: 80 Windward Ave. Venice, CA 90291. Metered parking on Windward Ave. Parking lots on Windward Ave and Speedway.
For more info, visit