12.15.12 The Venice Surf A Thon is the longest running annual surfing contest in the Santa Monica Bay area, and is hosted by Ger-I Lewis. Location: Venice Breakwater. Join Venice Surf A Thon on facebook! http://www.facebook.com/VeniceSurfAThon
Check out Kevin Hahn’s photos of the 12.15.12 Venice Surf-A-Thon below!
12.15.12 Venice Surf-A-Thon event photo highlights by Kevin Hahn
Left: Venice Surf-A-Thon host Ger-I Lewis. Right: Ray Rae
Photo: Orion Comstock and Tonan Ruiz
Photo: Meet me at the Pub’s Jeremy Parker
Photo: Matt Smith
Photo: Lance LeMond and Heidi Lemmon
Photo: Joe Ayala
Photo: JEFF HO SURFBOARDS and Zephyr Productions
Click here to view all 12.15.12 Venice Surf-A-Thon photos by Kevin Hahn
For more info, and 2012 Venice Surf-A-Thon contest results and photos, visit Venice Surf-A-Thon on facebook. http://www.facebook.com/VeniceSurfAThon?fref=ts
VP spotlight: Ger-I Lewis.
Ger-I Lewis, born Todd Gessel, is one accomplished guy. This Dogtown/Suicidal family member founded the Venice Surf and Skate Association, The Venice Surf-a-thon, and was instrumental in getting the Venice skatepark built. An Army veteran and Judo player, Ger-I plays music in The Venice All Stars and Frontside Grind. Furthermore, he is a father, speaks fluent Japanese, is an accomplished waterman/lifeguard and holds a B.A. from CSULA. Wow! what a resume. But that is not all. Ger-i is also a published author.
Why am I telling you all this? Because I recently read a book that he wrote, and it is exceptional! I mean seriously, it is a kick ass read! It is called 1978 and is Ger-Iʼs personal memoir of the exploding LA punk rock scene. Full of Venice and Hollywood imagery and told in a candid eloquent manner, this book is a must read for all Venetians, music fans, historians and just about everyone else. So, as it is the holidays pick up a copy for someone and give them a piece of history written by someone who was there. To buy a copy of 1978 or to pick Frontside Grindʼs EP “Pray for Surf” contact Ger-i at [email protected], call him at 310.902.6541 or go to gerilewis.wordpress.com
A message from Ger-I Lewis. “If you have ever wondered what it was like to grow up in Venice in the 70’s. I cut my hair and dyed it blue, showed up at the Venice Breakwater with pink Clyde Beaty “Rocket Fish” and imediatly was beat to a bloody pulp.”- will sign a copy just for you or a loved one! Reading soon. stay tuned like the page. Thanx! 1978 Crashed Memories”
For more info on 1978: http://www.facebook.com/pages/1978-Crashed-Memories/150270708382957?ref=hl
Check out Venice All Stars on facebook!
Born in the streets of the Venice, California derived from the surrounding surf and skateboard culture, the legendary sound that has come to be known world wide as skate rock, has resurged in the form of The Venice All Stars. The pillars, foundation and creators of skate rock, Original members of the Suicidal Tendencies (ST), Beowulf, and Frontside Grind (FSG) team up to destroy misconceptions and set the record straight as to the Suicidal culture. Don’t miss this chance to see, hear and feel the sound and energy that has created myths, monsters, and a history that will forever be imitated but never duplicated.
Venice ALL Stars:
Ger-I Lewis( FSG) Vocals
Louichi Mayorga (ST,HT) Bass
CArlos Eggert ( ST,Strapt) Drums
Rob (Damaged Kids) guitar
You’ve Waited for it! This Ep includes the classic surf tune “Pray for Surf” as well as the nasty outro (not on Welcome to Venice Lp) “Jap Ho” . The one the only Front Side Grind! Venice! $6.00 including shipping!