Recent event covered: 03.26.11 Venice Arts Speakeasy at the Townhouse.  Thanks to Venice Arts’ Elysa Voshell for this submission.

Venice Arts raised nearly $7,000 for its Youth Art Intern program at a fabulous fundraiser Saturday night, March 26th at the Townhouse on Windward Avenue, organized by Venice Arts board members (and Venice residents) Ruth Seroussi, Mike Newhouse and Colette Bailey.  More than 150 attendees filled the newly-reopened downstairs room of the classic bar to capacity.  Townhouse owners Louie and Nettie Ryan generously opened their space to Venice Arts, a non-profit that mentors low-income youth via media arts.  Attendees enjoyed the speakeasy atmosphere, including a complimentary whiskey tasting by Glenfiddich, and food donated by Venice restaurants Venice Beach Wines and Baby Blues BBQ.  Party goers bid on a dozen professional-quality photographs taken by Venice Arts students, as well as the opportunity to have their portrait taken by Venice Arts‘ Advanced Studies student Chris Rojas.  The Youth Art Intern program places talented advanced students in paid and unpaid internships at media businesses in Venice and Los Angeles.

Townhouse 1: Party goers enjoy a complimentary Glenfiddich tasting, arranged by the Townhouse.

Townhouse 2: City Councilman Bill Rosendhal thanks everyone for coming out to support Venice Arts.

Townhouse 3: Matt Diamond and Colleen O’Mara, Hype Co-Founder and Co-Founder/Chair and Director of PR for the Venice Media District

Townhouse 4: Venice Arts’ Board members Mike Newhouse and Colette Bailey and friend

Townhouse 5: Venice Arts’ Board member Ruthie Seroussi and friend

Venice Arts’ mission is to ignite youths’
imagination, mentor their creativity, and expand their sense of possibility through high quality, accessible media–based arts education programs. Venice Arts also serves as a catalyst for people of all ages, living in low–income or underrepresented communities, to create and share personal and community stories through photography, film, and multi–media.

View their Strategic Plan for 2008-2011(pdf 2.1mb)

For more info, visit

——-How can you support Venice Arts!

You can make a big difference in low-income children’s lives this summer by sending them to Venice Arts‘ Media Arts Camp. Each week during the month of July, 80 kids, ranging in age from 6 to 18, participate in creative, challenging and inspiring art classes. They leave energized and excited to keep learning.

Venice Arts Gallery
At Venice Arts, youth engage in beginning to advanced-level projects in filmmaking, photography, animation, and more. As with our school-year programs, there is one artist-mentor for every 3 youth. And all programs are free to low-income families!

Please support arts programs this summer. A gift of $60 supports one child for a day of summer camp! Donate today!

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