The Urban Iditarod was inspired by the great Alaskan sled dog race. Instead of dogs, there were people dressed up in the craziest attire. Instead of sleds they used grocery carts. Non-alcoholic beverages, laughter, confetti, running, falling…having fun. For more info: http://twitter.com/#!/urbaniditarodla or http://www.myspace.com/urbaniditarodla
2011 Photo highlights by YoVenice.com

Check out the 201 photo slide show. Photos by YoVenice.com
2009 photo slide show by Venice Paparazzi’s Edizen
2009 Urban Iditarod. Photos by Venice Paparazzi’s Edizen
2009 event photos by Steve Larson http://larsoncreations.smugmug.com/gallery/7539555_vNSqB
2008 event photos. http://photos.venicepaparazzi.com/gallery/6912294_h4pBV#442312715_xYrx3
View pics of the first annual Urban Iditarod. 3/3/2007 http://www.printroom.com/ViewGallery.asp?userid=edizens&gallery_id=623425