Local celebrity target: Kristen O’Connor
Contact person:
Amanda Cryer
: To document Kristen’s 30th birthday celebration
The roof top of the famed ‘Pacific Electric Lofts’ (beginning of night) downtown Los Angeles. Then to Broadway Bar – downtown LA as well.

Highlights of the night:

Gotcha!   Birthday girl Kristen and friend Sunshine

Photo: Amanda, Kristen, Jessica and Sunshine
Photo:  Sex in the City – L.A. style

Happy Birthday Kristen.  It was a pleasure being your paparazzi for the night.
Your event photographers, Edizen & Alex

A message from the birthday girl:
Thanks to everyone who came together for a sparkly and love-filled celebration of my 30th birthday. I had hoped it would be a fun get-together for all my favorite people. I had no idea it would turn out to be such an unforgettable weekend. For that, I have quite a few special souls to thank. First: Many, many thanks to Amanda who made sure I would have a way to remember this night always – you are a Star. And to Amanda and Jess both, for keeping things moving and the love flowing – you are a couple of angels. To Edizen and Alex: Thanks for helping me capture such a special night and for having us over to your fab Venice rooftop shindig the next day – it wouldn’t have been the same without you two bopping around and making everyone feel special. To Jessika and Larry for having us all on your beautiful roof: I love you guys and definitely owe you some Family Pants, Pho SHO. To Mona: Thanks for making the pasta that saved us all while we were waiting for the food to arrive. To Califa, Jessica and Seth: Thanks for being my prompt party attendees, helping set-up and getting the party started with your fabulousness. To Anna for that amazing sparkle-tastic cake and bringing the food for hungry revelers, and to Steph, Matt and Katie for helping with that- y’all rock. To Rayne: For getting sparkly and coming out even after the day you had, you are a trooper and I love you. To Brookie, Jake and Jess C: Thanks for making it out even after a long work day- love you kids. To Miles: Thanks for supplying the afterparty Del Taco darlin. To my glamour posse, Mona and Raul: It’s fun gettin’ gussied up with friends like you. To my out-of-town family who made the trip just to celebrate with me: Sunshine, Fellippe, Bryan Bro’Connor, and Dario… Hotel Kristen is always open for you guys- you each made the whole week a blur of fun and giggles and good food. Sunshine: A million thanks for keeping the party flowing and everyone at Hotel Kristen well fed- I couldn’t have done it without you! Fellippe: Thanks for giving us stories of growing up in Brazil, being the master of the grill and all that “Hell to the YEAH”… I’m waiting for my good review on TripAdvisor. Jen: You brought that “good flow” baby- wouldn’t have been as sparkly without you girl. Bryan: Thanks for taking the time off training to be with us- it was amazing having you here and I’m so proud to be your sister. Dario: Thanks for always, always, always being there for me, for coming the farthest and for simulated trips up a Mt.Everest of my pillows- homies 4 life, boo. To my Cuenca Family: Thanks for all your love and support- I wouldn’t have been here to celebrate a 30th birthday without you. And finally, a big high five to the LA Weather for making it such a warm, starry night for us to enjoy up on that gorgeous rooftop.

Lots of love to everyone who came out. Thanks for being so SPARKLY and bringing such beautiful energy to help me celebrate. I can’t think of a time I laughed more then this past week having you all together. What a gift.

With so much love and gratitude,


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