Recent event covered: 05.22.11 Venice Art Walk.  Photos by Alexx Paun

Venice Art Walk and C.A.V.E. Gallery, Venice, CA Sunday May 22, 2011

Insert taken from the Venice Art Walk website.

The 33rd annual Venice Art Walk & Auctions was held Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, May 20, 21, and 22, 2011, to benefit Venice Family Clinic. Much more than the latest chapter in the event, it was in many ways a new expression of what the world loves about Venice.

Many thanks to the thousands of individuals and organizations who helped to make it happen, including the artists, architects, galleries, framers, home owners, Angels, sponsors, in-kind donors, restaurants, musicians, volunteers, and – of course – ticket buyers and auction bidders. And special thanks to the folks at Westminster School for again allowing their property to serve as center stage. Besides being a great art event, the Venice Art Walk & Auctions is a shining example of what makes Venice and the surrounding area such a wonderful community.

If you are (or think you might be) an auction winner, please consult any of the auction pages for the pick-up schedule. Likewise, if you are interested in viewing unsold art, dates and times for doing so are also on the auction pages. And please note that you can still pick up Venice Art Walk & Auctions merchandise and Art Within Reach limited-edition prints in the online store!

Visit the various pages linked above for a review of this year’s event and keep an eye out for information about the 2012 Venice Art Walk & Auctions, coming soon. If you have feedback on this year’s event or ideas for next year’s, feel free to send those to [email protected].

On behalf of the patients, volunteers, and staff of Venice Family Clinic, thank you for your support.

For more info.


05.22.11 Photo highlights by Alexx Paun

By the way, some of the Artist that were featured at the Yard include:
Victoria Livingstone
Lance Miccio
Lisa Baker-Miccio
The Paint Lab on Main St.

Thanks Alexx for your coverage of the 05.22.11 Art Walk.

Check out the 2011 Venice Art Walk photos by VP’s Edizen

Click here to view additional 2010 photos.

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