Recent event covered: 01.15.11  MMA Fighter and cast member of the new reality series “The Collective” Devon Schwan celebrates his birthday big in the valley!

About “The Collective” reality series: IT’S ENTOURAGE MEETS THE EXPENDABLES!

The Collective is a reality show about a brotherhood of friends who have come together to help one another and share in their collective journey through life. Each Member, individually and collectively, has come to the point in his life, where he realizes that to get, he must give. And beyond this realization, this belief process has become part of their core.

ALL FOR ONE, AND ONE FOR ALL. Starring:  Rick Bassman, Tika Dukic, Chad Michaels, Devon Schwan, Marcus Timmons, Mavrick Von Haug, Taurus Cabbab

By the way,  if you are interested in MMA, check out The Beginning Knockout Fights event on February 26th, 2011.  Our local Venice resident, Devon Schwan will be competing in this event.  Location:  Barker Hanger at the Santa Monica Airport. See you there!

Check out some of the 01.15.11 party pics below.

In this photo:  Joey Gloor – trainer/host of VH1’s “I Used to be Fat“, Devon Schwan, Ron Kari  – star of “Sons of Anarchy”,  Gerry Anderson – Writer & Director of “No Rules”,  Jill Rudison, Erika Wakker, Sarai Sosa and Tiffany.
In this photo:  John Alighieri – MMA Champ from New Zealand,  Robert Mathis – Trainer/Owner of Robert’s Training Solutions,  Devon Schwan, Marcus Timmons – Author of “Bedroom Gangsta”,  Mavrick Von Haug – 5X World MMA Champion & Owner of Mavrick’s Training Gyms, Tihomir “Tika” Dukic – MMA Champ & Aikido Instructor, and Jill Rudison
In this photo:  Jill Rudison, John Alighieri – MMA Champ from New Zealand and Devon Schwan
In this photo:  Jill Rudison and Devon Schwan.
Happy birthday Devon!  It is good to know you and Jill.
Your neighbors and friends, Edizen and Alex
Click on the “View photos’ button below to view all 01.15.11 event pics

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