Here is a message from Spyder Cup founder Steve Steadham. It was an Amazing 1st Annual Venice Spyder Cup yesterday!
Thanks to Presenting Sponsor: Aces & 8, T.H.A.N., Vans, Powell Peralta, Stedmz, Bones Bearings, Khiro, Millennium, Christian Hosoi, Maui and Sons, Black Flys, 187 Killer Pads, S-Tech Wheels.
Special Thanks to: The City of L.A. parks and rec. staff: Victor, Fred, & Lance. Alan from the The LA Fire Dept., Gabriel Ortega, Tonan Ruiz, and all the Amazing Parents and Skaters. Ton Han, Dave Duncan, Bennett Harada, Eric Tuma Britton, Lonny Hiramoto, Heidi Lemmon, Travis Perrin & Jeff Ramos.
The history of the Spyder Cup begins five years ago in Hawaii when skateboarding pioneer Steve Steadham saw that the popular tropical destination was the ideal venue for a skateboarding event
which promotes both community and a healthy, sports-orientated lifestyle. After discussing the concept with close friend Michael Kays,, they both began the Spyder Cup. Once witnessing the raw energy and success of the event for themselves, it wasn’t long before key figures within the extreme sports industry suggested to Steve that he expand the Spyder Cup to the other 49 states. Click here to read more!
Congrats to the Winners!
Pro Bowl and Snakerun:
- 1st Asher Bradshaw: $200
- 2nd Kiko Francisco $150
- 3rd Hayden McKenna
Womens Pro:
- 1st Julie Lynn Kindstrand $200
- 2nd. Pauline Arema Branom $100
- 3rd Colette Peterson
In top photo: Haden Mckenna
In Spyder Cup poster/flyer: Koreas top street rider JuWon. Photo taken at the Venice Skatepark

Fan and follow Heidi!