Sept. 21-Oct. 22 Out In The Street

The Venice Institute of Contemporary Art ViCA and Muzeumm present a unique fine art photography exhibition “Out In The Street”, which focuses on a nearly 200 year tradition in art. We invite works created with a camera that address urban challenges and solutions in terms of social issues, justice, political protest, demonstrations, geographical, and/or philisophically creative ways of seeing what’s out in the street or out of doors – from around the world. This exhibition will include world renowned street photography from historically significant fine art photographers such as Edmund Teske, Ave Pildas, Ted Soqui, Ray Carofano, and others to be announced..

Curated by Director of ViCA Juri Koll, the exhibition will take place from September 21 – October 21, 2018 at Muzeumm in Los Angeles, a pre-eminent exhibition space in the burgeoning West Adams District of Los Angeles, California.

Opening Event Friday, September 21, 2018, 7:30 to 10 pm.

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: September 14, 2018 at 5pm.

• Following the exhibition a catalog will be published by ViCA about Out In The Street which will be available for purchase (at cost to participating artists), and afterward available free online..

All work shall be for sale and 50% of proceeds go to the artist. You may submit 4 images for $25.00, and up to 15 images total, along with files of recent work and/or exhibition examples for consideration. All photographic media accepted, including video.

For online submissions go to:

Or submit your materials via the email address listed below and submit your payment with artists name to:
[email protected]

Time is short so applications shall be reviewed and considered upon receipt.

Please send submission fees to the Pay Pal Link on the link above, or email us to make other arrangements. In your emailed submission, please send images of at least 1.5 mgb each with an attached Art List including title, date, media, size, edition (if any) and retail price, to:

[email protected]

Include: Bio, Resume, and other materials you’d like considered. Please limit your emails in size as much possible, but for larger submissions, we accept multiple emails.

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