The Marina del Rey Holiday Boat Parade continues to be a favorite community event that kicks off the holiday season in Marina del Rey. Thank you to the MDR Holiday Boat Parade Committee for hosting such a cool community event year after year.
- PRESIDENT: David Ross
- VICE PRESIDENT: Lowell Safier
- TREASURER: Harvey Ross
- SECRETARY: Phil Seelig
- DIRECTORS:Diane Barretti, Bill Bracken, Jerry Magnussen, Elvin Moon, Louis Scaduto, and Cindy Williams
- PRIZE COORDINATOR: Sarah Stoneback
Here is a message from MDR Holiday Boat Parade‘s President David Ross.
Congrats to this year’s 2021 MDR Holiday Boat Parade winners!
- Best Music – 9, Boat: Macondo | Skipper: Mike Sudo
- Best Live Band – 7, Boat: Aloha California | Skipper: Capt. Ross Prout
- Best Lights 39, Boat: Phish Tales | Skipper: John Reese
- Best Animation – 46, Boat: Trinity | Skipper: Perry Karidis
- Best Theme – 25, Boat: Happy Hour | Skipper: Greg Beron
- Best Spirit – 15, Boat: Thats What Sea Said | Skipper: Brooke Hammond
- Best Charter – 20, Boat: Hotel California | Skipper: M Sullivan
- Best Individual – 30, Boat: Sanctuary Skipper: Carlos Protzel
- Best Company – 10, Boat: Arc One | Skipper: Miriam Morris
- Best Organization – 6, Boat: Cassiopeia | Skipper: Brendon Huffman
- Best Yacht Club – 29, Boat: Scyllia | Skipper: Scott Lamay
- Best Power – 37, Boat: Let’s Go! | Skipper: Capt Commodore Craig
- Best Sail – 55, Boat: SS Purple Reign | Skipper: Gisele Rebeiro
- Best Overall – 23, Boat: Senia Jade | Skipper: Lynn Silverman
Venice Paparazzi is proud to be the official photographers of this year’s 2022 Marina del Rey’s Holiday Boat Parade. View pics below!
Events and areas covered:
- VIP party at Del Rey Yacht Club
- MDR Boat Parade photos
- Photo Booth at Burton Chase Park
- After party at Killer Shrimp
View pics below!

Grand Marshall Supervisor Holly J Mitchell

Right: Grand Marshall Katharine McPhee

Grand Marshalls David Foster, Lisa Osborne, and Katharine McPhee
Check out some of our favorite photos from the night!

Grand Marshalls Supervisor Holly J Mitchell, David Foster and Katharine McPhee
Venice Paparazzi rolled out the red carpet and hosted a photo booth at MDR Holiday’s Boat Parade’s After Party at Killer Shrimp.

MDR Holiday Boat Parade Committee’s Chairman Kelly King and Director Diane Barretti, Larry Baretti, Tony P’s Dockside Grill’s Tony and Lauren Palermo, and friends.

Ben, Heather, Carrie and MDR Holiday Boat Parade President David Ross

Lisa Osborn

Center: Mickey Czegledy

Santa, aka Christopher Hawley

Venice Paparazzi’s Linzy and MDR Holiday Boat Parade’s Jerry Magnussen

Right: JR Dzubak

Tony P’s Dockside Grill’s Tony and Lauren Palermo

Avozar’s Israel Rodriguez and Rick Wilkie

MDR Holiday Boat Parade’s Director Diane Barretti and husband Larry
Venice Paparazzi also hosted a fun photo booth for the guests at Burton Chace Park.
Photos courtesy of County of Los Angeles Department of Beaches & Harbors

Looking for your MDR Holiday Boat Parade photo? Find it here!
Enjoy your photo, and be sure to tag @mdrholidayboatparade #ilovemdr and photo credit @venicepaparazzi
- VIP party at Del Rey Yacht Club
- MDR Boat Parade photos
- Photo Booth at Burton Chase Park
- After party at Killer Shrimp
Interested in participating in the 2023 MDR Holiday Boat Parade? Visit
Fan and follow Marina del Rey Holiday Boat Parade
- IG: @mdrholidayboatparade
- Facebook: @mdrboatparade
- Twitter: @mdrBoatParade
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Need photographers or a fun photo booth?
Think of your local photographers Venice Paparazzi. View a list of our services on

Venice Paparazzi’s Edizen, Linzy and Alex