It was an epic day of classic cars at the beach! Car clubs from Venice and beyond came down to show off some of the sickest rides rides around. And Venice Paparazzi was on the scene the document for the Venice history book. The energy was fantastic! Due to time constraints we only had about an hour to get our shots. So, we came in with a plan: get the wide shots, show the space, and the cars! With whatever time is left, we will get photos of our friends and the crowds. How did we do? View coverage below!
Here is a message from Jeremy Kove of Munson Industries & MAS Creative.
On Saturday August 27th, the Venice Community came together, showcasing the finest of what So. Cal Car Culture is all about. The 1st Annual Venice Classic partnered with the City of LA Department of Recreation and Parks at Venice Beach and was produced locally by Munson Industries. The Dog Town Devils Car Club presented the event. What a day it was!

Check out coverage by Venice Paparazzi
Be sure to photo credit @venicepaparazzi, and tag @theveniceclassic, @dogtowndevils @mascreative @venice_beach_rc for any photos shared. Go team!

VenicePaparazzi’s Alex, Jonas Never, White Boy Chris, Brian, Andrea, Dennis Lyons, Jennifer Nairm, Victor Blue, Zoltan

Jeremy and Nisa Kove – center

Venice Paparazzi’s Alex and Demetrious

Right: Jonas Never

LAFD on the scene

Michael Mullen

White Boy Chris
Click here to view all event photos by Venice Paparazzi!
Don’t forget to tag @theveniceclassic, @dogtowndevils @mascreative @venice_beach_rc and photo credit @venicepaparazzi. Go team!