Small World Books has been serving locals and tourist since 1969. Small World Books is an unusual purveyor of literature, dedicated to the principle that the book you want is the book you should have. We are a general bookstore and carry a wide selection of titles published by both major and small presses. Located on the exciting Venice boardwalk, we have a well-read staff anxious to find the book you want.
Don’t know what you want? Email us and tell us about other books you’ve liked and we’ll find the next one.
Small World Books is located next to The Sidewalk Cafe on the Venice Boardwalk! 1407 Ocean Front Walk, Venice, Ca 90291.
- 1407 Ocean Front Walk, Venice, CA 90291
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Here is a history on Small World Books!
Small World Books was founded by Mildred Gates and Mary Goodfader in the old Boys Shopping Center in 1969. When the lease was dropped in 1976, Mary’s husband Bob discovered a lovely old warehouse on Ocean Front Walk, sporting graffiti that read “stop bombing in Cambodia”. Envisioning its potential, Bob wondered if it wouldn’t be a good location for the bookstore and perhaps a small restaurant next door. And with the rise in popularity of skating, chain-saw jugglers and artists selling their craft ware, life on the Venice Boardwalk at Small World Books became a wonderful adventure.
Bonnie Reynolds and Blake Latimer. Photo courtesy of Small World Books
Since the beginning the bookstore received wonderful support from the eclectic community; authors came for signings; art bedecked the walls and the dialogue between staff and its readers kept the excitement going through the years. Mary and Bob’s children, Jay and Debra, grew up reading on the toadstools in the children’s section, moving later into managerial and consulting roles. Now the grandsons, Ty and Will, stretch out on those same stools, petting the latest in a long string of cats that have always called the store a home. The celebration of the bookstore’s 50th anniversary was a tremendous success with Mary receiving a commendation from the City of Los Angeles.
Small World Books continues to this day in its role as a provider of good literature for the Venice locals and customers from around the world that make a point of visiting every year!
Photo courtesy of Small World Books
Purchase a Venice book or find another!
Tell Small World Books about other books you’ve liked, and they will find the next one. Email or call 310-399-2360
- 1407 Ocean Front Walk, Venice, CA 90291
- Follow SWB on Facebook
- Follow SWB on twitter.com/SmallWorldBooks
- Follow SWB on instagram.com/smallworldbooksvenice
- bookshop.org/shop/smallworldbooks
- Website: smallworldbooks.com