Each year local groms, 3rd-5th grade, test their drawing skills in hopes of having their art adorn the sides of the trash cans on the beach. This year’s winners have been chosen!
Here is a message from Los Angeles County Beaches & Harbors!
The Board of Supervisors selected the 2022 winners of the Can the Trash! Clean Beach Poster Contest. You can find the winning artwork displayed on trash barrels along LA County Beaches.
Thank you to all the 3rd-5th graders that entered the contest. We appreciate you for taking the time to share your inspiring artwork on how to keep our oceans and beaches pollution-free.
2019 Contest Winners: Ada Shen, Claire Chan, and Amelia De La Torre

2021 #CanTheTrash winner Annabella Horvath shares an important message through her artwork – “All of us can help. We can make a difference.” Annabella is part of LA County Supervisor @supjanicehahn 4th District. At the time of submission, she was in the 4th grade. Thanks for sharing your message Annabella! Photo and message from Los Angeles County Beaches & Harbors!
View 2022 contest winner submissions below!
This contest is ongoing so we encourage you to continue to share your creativity and submit artwork for the next contest cycle. You may see your artwork on our beaches next year!
Visit beaches.lacounty.gov/postercontest for more info!