Westside Current and Circling the News hosted the first candidate forum in the race for the Los Angeles City Council 11th district seat at Larry’s Loft in Hotel Erwin on April 6, 2022. 7 of the 8 candidates were present at the event, which had an in room audience of about 60, and was also live streamed, with an audience of several hundred.
The candidates present:
- Mike Newhouse
- Mat Smith
- Traci Park
- Allison Polhill
- Jim Murez
- Midsanon ‘Soni’ Lloyd
- Greg Good
The candidate absent:
- Eric Darling
The participants were asked questions sent in from the community, as well as Circling the News’ Sue Pascoe, and Westside Current’s Jamie Paige, with the Venice Neighborhood Council’s Vicki Halliday keeping a firm eye on the timer to make sure all answers were given within the timeframe allotted.
There were tons of friendly, familiar faces in the crowd, all paying keen attention, with some taking notes as the candidates took turns giving responses.
Subjects covered included: Public Safety, discretionary fund usage, the Ramada on Washington Blvd, permanent supportive housing, homeless encampment plans, lowering speed limits, police budgets, and infrastructure, among other things.
It was a well produced, professional event, and a great way to get to know where the candidates stand on various issues.
A big high five and fist bumps to all the folks involved in the production and all the local businesses that sponsored the event!
Sponsors of the event included: Hotel Erwin, Winston House, Arbor Venice, Venice Alehouse, The Venice Whaler, Pardee Properties, Venice V Hotel, Wall Flower Venice, & REA Security and the American Legion Auxiliary.

2022 Candidates: Mat Smith, Allison Polhill, Midsanon ‘Soni’ Lloyd, Traci Park, Mike Newhouse, Greg Good, and Jim Murez. Missing from this debate: Eric Darling

Westside Current’s Jamie Paige, Venice Neighborhood Council’s Vicki Halliday, and Circling the News’ Sue Pascoe

Mike Newhouse on the mic!
Learn the candidates platforms! Check out their websites!
- Mike Newhouse – newhouseforla.com
- Mat Smith – matsmithcitycouncil.com
- Traci Park – tracipark.com
- Allison Polhill – allisonforla.com
- Jim Murez – murezforcitycouncil.com
- Midsanon ‘Soni’ Lloyd – lloyd4lacitycouncil.com
- Greg Good – good4cd11.com
- Eric Darling – www.erindarling11.com
View April 6, 2022 forum video by Westside Current and Circling the News!
For full story, go to WestsideCurrent.com