Here is a message from the Other Venice Film Festival’s Director Thomas Simon!
The 2021 edition of the Other Venice Film Festival was a full success.
We screened 37 movies from 10 countries and had a three day party with musical guests that rocked hard.
I was happy to see so many people come out to the various screening blocks and a core of filmmakers showed up every day, making it a great networking experience. Thank you all for your support!
Here are the OVFF 2021 winners:

Best Short Documentary: My Name Is Nobody (Christine Kenton)

Best Feature Documentary: Born Just Now ( Robert Adanto )

Best Experimental Short Film: Jim’s Gibberish (Brent Duffy)

Most Excellent Short Film:The Weight of Perfection (Anabelle Munro, Leanne Melissa Bishop)

Best Music Video:Cali Dreams – Vintage Culture & fancy Inc Feat. The Beach (Rafael Kent)

Most Excellent Feature Film:
The Incoherents (Jared Barel)