Heidi Lemmon and Chris Hooten were on the scene to document and capture all the fun at this year’s Venice Surf-A-Thon!
Congratulations to this year’s 27th Annual Venice Surf-A-Thon contest winners!
- 1st Mataeo Bierman, 2nd Austin O’Keefe
- 1st Bohdi Deroma, 2nd Jack Noruzi & 3rd Lenny
- 1st Max Hinton, 2nd Danny O’Keefe &3rd Skylar Serrrano
- 1st Liam Nassour, 2nd Danny O’Keefe & 3rd Skylar Serrano
- 1st Elijah Labb, 2nd Brad Kay & 3rd Koleo Golden
- 1st AJ Phelpsd, 2nd Gus Harrison &
- 3rd Logan Doerr
- 1st Dirk Kay, 2nd Cole Sweany & 3rd Pablo
- 1st Jaqoim, 2nd Lazlo & 3rd Eric Weis
- 1st Stephanie Weis, 2nd Seena Galan, & 3rd Alysa
- 1st Lazlo, 2nd Brock M &3rd Lazlo
- 1st Brett, 2nd Mike Wood & 3rd Sgt Slaughter
Here is a message from Heidi Lemmon!
Geri Lewis’ 27th Venice Surf-A-Thon on Dec. 12, 2020, was a huge success again this year. With 2 to 3 foot swells it was all about style and of course friendships. So many of us have barely left the house in 2020 that this was a special day we all were looking forward to.

Venice Surf-A-Thon Founder Ger-I Lewis with the groms
The Surf-A-Thon has become like a family reunion for Venice locals and surfers. I have been coming almost 20 years and watched the groms grow into the men’s division and show up with their little ones in tow.
The trophies were handmade by Brock, Norm, Brocks wife Jess and of course were covid compliant.
Artist Ric Clayton designed the limited edition tee shirts and they were printed by Sean Allen seen here sporting the design with his daughter Marley Allen.

Sean and Marley Allen. Photo by Heidi Lemmon
No Venice event is complete without the dogs and they turned out in fine form to support the surfers and dig a few holes.

Cole Sweeney who also took 2nd place in Men’s
Geri was busy from the get go with the heats and awards. There was no award show this year due to covid restrictions so everything happened at the beach, between heats but ran smoothly in spite of the extra work.
Jackalope producer Micah Desforges and fiancé Dominique made plans to hit up the Venice Surf-A-Thon on their road trip from Montreal. Jackalope is the largest skateboard competition in Canada and was great to see them again this side of the border.

Jackalope producer Micah Desforges and fiancé Dominique. Photo by Heidi Lemmon
The sponsorship this year grew again and in part because Geri brought in Kyle to get out there and promote the event. Geri & Kyle did a great job bringing out the local businesses for this event as well as all the volunteers.

Kyle Petreli
View photos Chris Hooten

Chris Hooten. Photo by Heidi Lemmon
View photo by Heidi Lemmon

Heidi Lemmon. Photo by Chris Hooten
Thank you again Heidi Lemmon and Chris Hooten for sharing your Venice Surf-A-Thon photos with us.
Coming soon! Venice Surf-A-Thon documentary film
Ger-I Lewis founded the Venice Surf-A-Thon in 1993 after returning home from military service, wanting to serve his community. Thank you Geri-I Lewis for 27 years of Venice Surf-A-Thon! View trailer below!
For more of Venice Surf-A-Thon, visit facebook.com/VeniceSurfAThon