Today the Venice Paparazzi spotlight shines on White Boy Chris, founder of WBCCIGARS and WhiteBoy the jeweler.
How many years in Venice?
Born & raised since 1981.
Name of company:
@WBCCIGARS an WhiteBoy the Jeweler
Tell us about your company:
I have a love for creating and being different, from classic cars to my own taste in jewelry. Everyone makes a skull ring. But being from Venice we don’t do cupcakes. This last year I dropped my own cigar line, the @WBCCIGARS, a first for a local Venetian. Everyone does a clothing thing, and thats great. I’m proud of my brother Spanto doing BornXRasied, Oscar with Breakwater, the V.O.G., and the younger homies with ThoseFolks and AWOL.
What is unique about your business?
Our jewelry is handmade here in L.A., big, bad and bold. Our cigars are Cuban seed grown in Nicaragua, a hand rolled delicious treat, top shelf.

Photo courtesy of White Boy Chris
How long in business, and how did you get started? Where did the idea or inspiration come from?
The jewelry business has been about five years now. Basically I created my own pieces jewelry that I’m proud to wear.
How did you come up with the name of your business?
WBC. White boy Chris has been my nickname since I was a little kid growing up in Venice. And I am still known as such.
What would you say is the best thing about your organization?
That I’m just getting started and plan to be creating and making great pieces that will be here long after I’m gone. Keeping an old Venice vibe alive.
What accomplishments are you most proud of?
Creating custom jewelry for friends and when presenting it to them, tears of joys fill their eyes. This has to be one of the best feeling ever.

Photo courtesy of White Boy Chris
Future projects/Direction:
On the cigar side: My OG habano blend is in the second batch. As well, I am dropping a new maduro blend that should be here by the end of May 2019.
What have been your biggest challenges?
Myself, being scared of failure. I always find that I’m holding myself back.
What has been your greatest reward of running your own business?
My own hours, events, meet and greets.

Photo courtesy of White Boy Chris
What advice would you give someone starting out in your field?
Event though something has been done a thousand times, do it! But do it better!
If you could go back in time, what’s one thing that you could have done differently?
Saved money and traveled more.
Define success:
To each there own. As long as you are happy and proud of what you are doing.
Where do you find inspiration?
From anything; a dog, a homie, a skateboard etc.

Photo courtesy of White Boy Chris
Favorite affirmation, mantra, or quote:
Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end – Bob Marley
What do you do on your days off? How do you treat yourself?
Always take my time to enjoy my iced coffee with a cigar, and surround myself with family and close friends.
Anything else you want to share about yourself to the world?
Just getting started!

#whiteboythejeweler Art by Jonas Never @never1959
Venice Questions:
Describe Venice:
Everyone wants to come here to make something of themselves. Well, I’m from here we learn to do our own thing. Art meets crime! Ghetto by the sea that’s now filled with millionaires.
Describe your perfect day in Venice:
Growing up and walking into HOT’s House of Teriyaki as a kid and getting a burger and donut for breakfast when your mother wants you to eat breakfast food. And then the owners bring you the burger and it’s on the house! Going to the beach to skate. Everyone knew everyone by name and looked out for each other as a family. Old Venice.
Favorite Venice go-to spots?
To the pier for sunsets and Clutch to eat.

Chris with Clutch Venice’s owner Oscar Hermosillo
What is your craziest or fondest Venice experience?
Craziest? Can’t talk about that!
Anything else about Venice that you would like to say?
Stop moving here!
Any shoutouts or thank you’s?
Spanto, Guykey, Block, Merf, Tim& Kelly Jackson, Tonan, Puali B, BabyRay, JasonBrown, Jim & Mike Muir, Oscar Galan, Todd. That’s just the tip, and some are not here with us anymore.
Who should Venice Paparazzi cast the spotlight on next?
How can one find you?
- Instagram: @wbccigars
- Instagram: @whiteboythejeweler
- Email: [email protected]