The VNC election is fast approaching!
There are 41 candidates for 21 seats and the race is heating up. So, get to know who is in the running! There will be two debate/candidate forums, one on May 28 and one on May 30, both at Westminster Elementary School. View VNC message and event details below.
About 2019 Neighborhood Council Elections: Neighborhood Council elections happen every two years. Together, LA’s 99 Neighborhood Councils form the grassroots level of the City’s government. While Neighborhood Council board members serve their communities as volunteers, they are public officials elected by the members of their community.
So, get to know who is in the running!
There will be two debate/candidate forums, one on May 28 and one on May 30, both at Westminster Elementary School.
The big vote happens June 2, 2019 from 10:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. at the Oakwood Rec. Center. Your Venice… Your Voice… Your VOTE!
Here is a link to all the VNC candidates official statements!
May 28, 30, and June 2 event details below!
About Venice Neighborhood Council:
The Venice Neighborhood Council is made up of individuals from our community who are interested in improving and maintaining the quality of life of the stakeholders of Venice.
The VNC Mission is to improve the quality of life in Venice by building community and to secure support from the City of Los Angeles for the resources needed to achieve our goals.
May 28 & 30. Venice Neighborhood Council Candidate’s Forum
Come on out and hear directly from the Candidates that want to represent YOU!
On Tuesday and Thursday, May 28th and 30th, the VNC will host the Candidate’s Forum at the Westminster Elementary School auditorium from 6:00 – 9:00 pm.
Because there are so many candidates, it will take two nights to present all of them. Tuesday will be the Executive Officers and Thursday will be the Community Officers.
The prospective VNC officers will be given an opportunity to let the voters know the benefits they hope to bring to the Board if elected, as well as the differences in their approach to the offices they have chosen to run for… in what we expect to be both fun and informative!
The VNC Election Committee has devised a format to make the evenings interactive and fun. There will be an opportunity to meet one-on-one with the candidates before and following the programs
Don’t miss this opportunity to meet, and compare, the candidates! We hope to see you there!
VNC Elections are Sunday, June 2nd from 10am – 6pm at the Oakwood Recreation Center, 767 California Ave, Venice.
For Venice Neighborhood Council election updates!
- Fan and follow VNC on facebook, twitter and Instagram!
- View the list of candidates
- For more info:
- For more information visit:
Note: Venice NC General Board meetings are regularly scheduled for the third Tuesday of each month at 7pm at Westminster Elementary School 1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd.
Check out 10 years of VNC event photos by Venice Paparazzi. (2008-2018)
- Please tag @VeniceNeighborhoodCouncil #VeniceNC and photo credit @VenicePaparazzi when sharing photos. Go team!
- Need photographers or a photo booth for you 2019 event? Hire Venice Paparazzi