Head down to the the beach and experience the Venice Beach Poet’s Monument.
Stretching along the coast a few feet from the sand, this beautiful installation is engraves with the works of some of Venice’s most famous poets!
The words of Jim Morrison of the Doors, Manazar Gamboa, Philomene Long, Exene Cervenka of the Punk Rock band X, actor Viggo Mortensen, and others are engraved in the concrete walls of the LAPD substation and three public restrooms exterior shower walls.
The Venice Beach Poet’s monument includes the main wall located on Venice Beach’s Recreation and Parks and LAPD substation building and three public restroom exterior shower walls.
About: The Venice Beach Poet’s Monument (formerly known as the Venice Beach Poetry Walls) was curated in 2000 when the City of Los Angeles renovated the Ocean Front Walk at Venice Beach. The Walls were curated by Fred Dewey, former Executive Director of Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center located in Venice, with support from Mike Bonin and Bill Rosendahl.
The team behind the Venice Beach Poetry Monument. View photos from their 2012 benefit event by Venice Paparazzi.

Venice Paparazzi’s Alex with Butterface and Pancake
A list of the poet’s featured on the Venice Beach Poet’s Monument can be found at: venicebeachpoetsmonument.wordpress.com
The Poetry walls are located on the Venice Recreation and Parks Office. 1800 Ocean Front Walk. Venice, Ca 90291 | Main Office: 310.396.6764.
Parking: South City Parking Lot: 2100 Ocean Front Walk. Venice, Ca 90291. Click here for additional parking and directions info!
For more info: www.veniceartscouncil.org
Contact: Emily Winters – Venice Arts Council, Chair Email: [email protected] Phone: 310-306-7372
Suzanne Thompson – Endangered Art Fund, Chair Email: [email protected]
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