**Huge Yard Sale! 50+ Homes***
Dates: May 20th | 9:00AM-4:00PM
Hosted by local Real Estate agent Laurie Woolner, aka “Tiny…But Mighty!”
- Lots of families & lots of good stuff!
- Directional signs & maps will be posted throughout the neighborhood.
- View flyer for details.
- For more info, or to register your garage sale: www.Venice-MarVistaYardSale.com or call Laurie at 310.699.0980

Here is a message from Laurie Woolner:
“It’s with great appreciation to my neighbors for your support, both personally and professionally through my real estate business, to welcome you to the 6th Annual Venice-Mar Vista Yard Sales!” As a member of our community for the past 25 years, I’ve been fortunate to meet many of you while out walking my dog, door knocking, or at one of my open houses. Please know that sponsoring these yard sales is one of the many ways I’m privileged to be able to give back to our neighborhood that has been so rewarding to me.
Please help us make this year’s yard sales bigger and better by spreading the word!
For more info, or to register your garage sale:
Visit www.Venice-MarVistaYardSale.com or call Laurie at 310.699.0980