The Venice Pier at Night.
Photos and write up by Matthew Smith. Date: January 5th, 2011
It was cold out, so I put on my blue sweater before I left my apartment. I drove south on Pacific and turned right onto Washington Blvd. Usually this street is packed with cars, but that night I lucked out. Right after I turned, a white Toyota Corola was backing out of a non-valet spot. I was stoked. Free parking is extremely hard to come by in the city of Venice, let alone a spot near to your destination. I grabbed my Ipod and set it to the True Democracy album by Steel Pulse, then proceeded to cross the street to the Cow’s End to grab a cup of hot coffee and a delicious peanut butter cookie. I poured half and half and 3 packets of sugar into the cup and headed back to my car. The smell of the coffee reminded me of my father. (He always insisted on grinding his own beans at home.)